If you are interested to review for J-ISPIN, please register on the ScholarOne submission system. Please be careful when selecting your Keywords in the users profile as those can be used by an Editor to select you as a possible reviewer. Please choose "Reviewer" for the "Reviewer Role" option.
J-ISPIN will publish the names of reviewers who have served in each calendar year by submitting one or more reviews.
When you receive a review request, please first check to make sure you have no conflict of interest. If you do have a conflict of interest, please inform the requesting Editor and decline the review. For example, decline the review if the paper is from your institute, from an author with whom you work or have worked before (former or current student, supervisor, collaborator, etc.) or an author with whom you have co-published before.
When you review a paper, you can submit two sets of comments:
Remarks for the Editor (optional, invisible to authors). This section is optional. Please use this to report exceptional situations, such as plagiarism, double submission, conflict of interest, private comments to the editor, etc. Authors will not be able to see these comments.
The IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation your willingness to act as a reviewer and will do everything possible so that you are not overwhelmed with review requests. Our goal is to allow you to complete one review before requesting your further involvement.
Once again, thank you for serving as a reviewer for the IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation, as your participation adds great value to the peer review process. We endeavour not just to have our Authors pass judgment, but also work with them towards writing and publishing better papers, to the benefit of the whole Positioning and Navigation community.