J-ISPIN is sponsoring the 14th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2024) with six best paper awards and the Journal-to-Conference Track

August 22, 2024

J-ISPIN is proud to be a technical sponsor of the 14th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2024), which will take place 14th-17th October 2024 in Hong Kong. J-ISPIN will award the top six papers with the best paper award. Winners will be invited to submit the extended version of the awarded paper in J-ISPIN with an APC waiver. Please visit the homepage for details: https://ipin-conference.org/2024/

IPIN 2024 this year also launches the Journal-to-Conference Track, enabling the articles published in the J-ISPIN to be presented in IPIN 2024. For detailed application, please refer to https://ipin-conference.org/2024/call_for_journal-to-conference_track/