
special session "Next-Gen Precise Positioning and Seamless Navigation: From Classical Signal Processing to AI" at APSCON 2025

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We wish you a happy, healthy, and successful 2024!

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The 1st volume of our open-access IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation (J-ISPIN) is now available!

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J-ISPIN has awarded the winners of the IPIN conference with the best paper award and looks forward to publishing their papers in the IEEE open access journal shortly.

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J-ISPIN is happy to announce that the 🥇 3rd place for the Best Paper of the IPIN23 conference is awarded to Haige Chen and Ashutosh Dhekne of the Georgia Institute of Technology

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J-ISPIN is proud to be a technical sponsor of the Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation Conference and to offer publication fees to authors of top 6 papers

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Chiara Pileggi was awarded Best Early Stage Research at the European Navigation Conference (ENC) 2023

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To spread the word

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Fee waiver for the best paper in J-ISPIN scope at ENC23

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Submission is open!

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Lauching ceremony of the new IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning & Navigation - IPIN2022

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